We Help to Integrate Your Applications with Third Party application
The IT world is continuously evolving, and so should your software. Functional requirements for today’s applications are getting higher and higher. Software Integration is a modern solution to this arising issue.
Application integration is increasingly necessary for companies that use distinct systems to perform various tasks. These operations can include anything from recording sales, keeping track of supplier information, and storing customer data. To incorporate all of these different systems and applications into one system, where data can be collected and analyzed, requires specialized functionality.

Our experts are experience for decades in Third Party integrations for financials & ERP, payment gateways, email, communication, e-commerce, telephony and many more.
Integration in software engineering means combining software parts (so-called subsystems) into one system. Integrated systems demonstrate better performance comparing to the sum of all independent ones. What is more important, a holistic application delivers greater functional significance. It’s more convenient to distribute and use. Integrating is trending as never before these days.
More and more mergeable systems appear on the Internet. Therefore, connecting with them is vital.

We work with the following type of software integration:
- Star integration
- Horizontal integration
- Vertical integration
- Implementation of the common data format
Star integration:
In this case, the integrating process is, basically, creating interconnections between all subsystems (each subsystem is connected to every other one). The diagram of a complete system with connections looks like a star or a plate of spaghetti (it depends on the number of connections).
Horizontal integration (also known as Enterprise Service Bus)
Vertical integration
This method is completely opposite in comparison with the previous one. Create functional entities for subsystems and you will “vertically integrate” them. It’s a perfect short-term solution. Quick and cheap at first glance, the vertical integration approach forces you to implement another silo View to scale the system. It’s impossible to bring new functionality by reusing existing subsystems.
Common data format integration
It’s a drastically different methodology based on the development of the application-independent data format. It’s called Enterprise Application Integration View.
Software integration solutions
We can hardly deny that integration of software applications in real life is harsher than its description on paper. Humans tend to misunderstand, to make mistakes, to fail.
From the very beginning, you should verify every step you make. Misinterpreted the company’s demands? Consider that you’ve worked on the wrong system for free. A miscalculation in the management plan? Be ready for a full redesign of your architecture. Not careful enough during the development phase? Don’t be surprised when your system crashes right after the deployment.
Every mistake can be fatal. A strict adherence to the software development integration plan is the solution. Sometimes it doesn’t seem binding. That’s when a professional shows himself or herself. Every point is obligatory. Every recheck isn’t excessive.
The bottom line
Software integration is a complex yet necessary process in nowadays IT-realities. Profound knowledge and strict discipline are the main keys to your success in this challenging but manageable task.